We've just made several big improvements to the RiteTag mobile app, which is now the same, whether you've got iOS or Android phones/tablets.

Get RiteTag Android or RiteTag iOS

See the sections below for details on:

A. Get hashtags from all visual info in your photos, perfect for Instagram

B. Hashtag Sets are now interactive and coordinate between the RiteTag site, browser extension and the mobile app as well

A. You can now get hashtag suggestions that are based on all visual information in photos that you'll be posting to Instagram

Take just two minutes to learn how to select and add to a photo that you'll be uploading to Instagram on mobile:

RiteTag mobile hashtag generation, step by step:

  1. Install the RiteTag app for Android or the RiteTag iOS app
  2. Open the RiteTag app
  3. Tap Clear to remove the default text and image
  4. Tap Pick image and choose the image you plan to post to Instagram
  5. (Optional) Add a caption of your photo to improve the hashtag suggestions
  6. Tap Suggest hashtags
  7. You'll get your hashtag suggestions, starting with Instagram-only hashtag suggestions. Below you'll see the greens and blues which are good for all social networks: Instagram as well as Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.
  8. Tap hashtags to select as many as you want and hit Copy
  9. In Instagram, start an image upload and in the caption field, paste the hashtags

Note: the Hashtag Suggestions for Images feature is available to RiteTag Pro customers (e.g. those paying for RiteTag, currently US$49/year).

B. Interactive Hashtag Sets: make and access them on your desktop or mobile

If you're already using the RiteTag site, you probably know that you can get at your saved hashtag research on your RiteTag Dashboard, Hashtag sets. Now, as shown in the video above, you can hit compare, for full analytics and make data-driven decisions before saving your research in Hashtag Sets that are right for topics you post on frequently. You can copy and use hashtags when you get them for images or text. However, you can also save Hashtag Sets right in the mobile app, as well, now.

Also just added to RiteTag Pro

Using a Instagram desktop publishing or desktop to phone notification solution?

The RiteTag browser extension integrates with all of them. Here are the tutorials for those.

Working on your Instagram account and engagement on your desktop?

How to get hashtags to use as a comment on an Instagram post with the RiteTag browser extension Get your's: Chrome, Safari, Firefox

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